Mentorship Program

The Graduate and Early Career Caucus provides a number of mentorship opportunities for early careerists and graduate students at all career stages. 

For experienced historians, early careerists and ABD graduate students, we offer a chance to serve the HSS community as a mentor to a new scholar or less advanced graduate students.

For graduate students and those recently out of graduate school, we offer a chance to meet an experienced scholar who may provide new connections and a new perspective on historical scholarship or to mentor those who are earlier in the academic careers. In conjunction with the opening night reception for the conference, an informal “first-timers” reception will also be held, to provide a space for new conference attendees to mingle with HSS veterans, and a place for mentees and mentors to meet up for the first time. As past participants attest, the mentorship program is worth your while: “I hope that we’ll continue this program in the future, because my classmates are jealous that they didn’t sign up. “It really was successful beyond anything I could have imagined.”

If you have any further questions about the Mentorship Program, please email hssmentorship AT

Our Mentorship Philosophy (under construction)